Saturday, December 26, 2020

What Stock Market Teaches Us

For traders  stock market teaches a number of lessons. According to some statistics more than 90% traders are loser in the market but to be in the club of less than 10% they try again and again and lose a lot of money over some period of time.A successful trader also passes through such situations but by utilising his analytical ability he learns  some techniques and skills to be followed while trading.Traders also observe about their behavior during trading. They might feel impatient and indecisive specially in situations of loss making. If anyone want to be a successful trader one should come out with these situations.Successful traders realize that stock market teaches atleast three things , one is patience, secondly discipline and third one is decision making.These all will be developed gradually. If all these virtues are being developed in your behavior and you are feeling it in yourself while trading certainly you are leading towards a successful trader.At last I would like to say with my own experience that it is  journey from stock trading to spirituality.You feel calm and cool when you become a successful trader.